Established Patient 60-Minute Consultation or Treatment
What should I expect during my appointment with Dr. Tom?
60 minutes is an appropriate amount of time for a physical exam, some in-office testing, discussion of new symptoms or chronic symptoms if you haven’t been in the office for quite some time, a review of past testing, and listening to what you’ve been trying that has or hasn’t worked. Dr Tom will suggest your ‘Next Best Step‘ given your personal needs & resources, and what his Center can offer either locally or at-home.
He will also do his best to administer, if appropriate, an immediate treatment which will move you in your proper direction.
Please respect we are intending to stay on time for everyone’s appointments, so please arrive a few minutes early to attend to administrative essentials with our Front Desk Staff prior to your appointment.
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
NOTE: Dr Tom expects payment at time of services. He will provide a ‘SuperBill’ for PPO insured patients.