New Patient Initial Consultation, Face-to-Face or Over the Phone
What should I expect during my appointment with Dr. Tom?
60 minutes is an appropriate amount of time for a New Patient physical exam, in-office testing, discussion of past labs & imaging studies, and Dr Tom’s explanation of findings. He will recommend your ‘Next Best Step‘ given your personal needs & resources, and what his Center can offer either locally or at-home.
Providing past labs and past imaging studies 3-4 days ahead of your appointment will permit his timely focus and completion of the above in 60 minutes. If your medical condition is complex, if you have a number of concerns, and/or you are presenting for the first time past medical records for review, we recommend you schedule an additional 15-30 minutes before or after this appointment in order for Dr Tom to meet your desires.
If you have travelled from afar for this appointment, we also recommend you schedule additional time; there may be additional and unique constraints to resources or needed supplies or referrals local to your home which will require more time.
He will also do his best to administer, if appropriate, an immediate treatment which will move you in your proper direction.
Please respect that during this time of Social Distancing, we are keeping to a tight schedule to allow for proper disinfection of the clinic and to ensure no more than one individual or family unit is in the waiting room at any one time.
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Click here for your New Patient forms.
NOTE: Dr Tom expects payment at time of services. He will provide a ‘SuperBill’ for PPO insured patients.
Click here for Dr Tom’s fee schedule.