What are Stem Cells & How they Work
During my medical school graduation in 1983, Dr Linus Pauling, the the 2 time Nobel Prize Laureate and father of Vitamin C , at age 92, was the commencement speaker …
He foretold to our class the reversal of diseases that at that time were considered life long … like Type 1 Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Multiple Sclerosis…
Today, through the application of Regenerative Medicine, they condemming diagnoses can be dramatically altered.
How Stem Cells Work
Stem cells are the building blocks for our bodies.
With their ability to transform into specialized cells, these master cells act as a repair system for the body, replenishing blood, tissue, and organs.
In some diseases or as a result of chemotherapy, these cells die and need to be replaced.
Stem cells are cells with the potential to develop into many different types of cells in the body. They serve as a repair system for the body. There are two main types of stem cells: embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells.
Stem cells are different from other cells in the body in three ways:
- They can divide and renew themselves over a long time
- They are unspecialized, so they cannot do specific functions in the body
- They have the potential to become specialized cells, such as muscle cells, blood cells, and brain cells
Doctors and scientists are excited about stem cells because they could help in many different areas of health and medical research. Studying stem cells may help explain how serious conditions such as birth defects and cancer come about. Stem cells may one day be used to make cells and tissues for therapy of many diseases. Examples include Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, spinal cord injury, heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis.
What Are Stem Cells?
Stem Cells are immature, undifferentiated cells that act as the building blocks of your body.
These cells can differentiate into all body cell types including blood cells, nerve cells, bone cells, cartilage cells, skin cells, liver cells etc. Stem Cells can be harvested and stored from both Umbilical Cord Blood and tissue surrounding and protecting the cord blood vessels. They can be used to replace damaged or diseased cells in the body, making them an invaluable treatment option for you and your family.
Stem cells are distinguished from other cell types by two important characteristics. Firstly, they are unspecialized cells capable of renewing themselves through cell division.
Secondly, under certain physiologic or experimental conditions, they can be induced to become tissue or organ-specific cells with special functions.
Unique characteristic features of Stem Cells are:
- Homing: Travel to the site of damage where regeneration is required
- Engraftment: Settle down & grow & multiply
- Plasticity: Potential to change into other cells