Winter Respiratory Virus Immune Boosting Injection
What should I expect during my appointment with Dr. Tom?
This is a short 15 minute appointment for the administration of a Non-Specific Immune Stimulation Injection. Dr Tom will ask some quick questions to ensure the therapy is safe and appropriate for your condition. He will also recommend your ‘Next Best Step‘ given your personal needs & resources, and what his Center can offer either locally or at-home.
If you are a New Patient, or you’d like to discuss any new symptoms or old conditions whose symptoms are changing significantly, please schedule an additional 15 minute Consultation either before or after your Injection appointment.
Please respect that during this time of Social Distancing, we are keeping to a tight schedule to allow for proper disinfection of the clinic and to ensure no more than one individual or family unit is in the waiting room at any one time.
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Click here for your New Patient Forms.
NOTE: Because of the large discount, pre-payment at time of scheduling is required. Dr Tom will provide a ‘SuperBill’ for PPO insured patients.
As healthcare providers, they are very discriminating.
Listen to Dr Joan Lang, Chairperson of Psychiatry
at a major Medical School describe her experiences
under the care of Dr Tom. ….
We each have a choice to make.