Established Patient 45-Minute Consultation or Treatment

What should I expect during my appointment with Dr. Tom?

45 minutes is enough time for a follow-up physical exam, perform in-office testing or to review and interpret lab results, and for Dr Tom to suggest your ‘Next Best Step‘ given your personal needs & resources, and what his Center can offer either locally or at-home.

It may not be enough time to address numerous new complaints in addition to follow-up on the status of older evolving issues.

Please respect we are intending to stay on time for everyone’s appointments, so please arrive a few minutes early to attend to administrative essentials with our Front Desk Staff prior to your appointment.

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

NOTE: Dr Tom expects payment at time of services. He will provide a ‘SuperBill’ for PPO insured patients.


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Still not ready to take the first step?

You’ve gotten this far … You’ve been through more than you can even say.

I’m curious why you’re not scheduling right now … You deserve more than you’ve got now.

Let’s take a SMALL meaningful step:
–plug in your name, email address, phone number, ‘what’s bothering you’, and ‘what’s keeping you from scheduling’

I’ll have my most understanding ‘teddy bear’ … my best trouble-shooter … get back to you as quickly as possible. … and it will be completely confidential.