Personal Immune Assessment Lab Kits


Monitoring your baseline Immunity and changes over time is a powerful way to reduce your immune vulnerability.

We all know that keeping our Vitamin D3 levels is important … when did you last check?

There are a number of other markers, both genetic and acquired … like auto-immune reactivity, inflammatory markers, and gut biome markers of leaky gut … which are also important.

If you have PPO insurance or Medicare, Dr Tom has put together the best, most affordable, and easy elements to reduce your vulnerability.  (Free or minimum co-pay for those with PPO or Medicare, except for cost of lab kits + shipping).

After submitting all 4 specimens (blood, saliva, urine, and stool), the results of your testing will come directly to Dr Tom.  Please schedule an appointment online for a ‘Personal Immune Assessment Consultation’ or click here to link directly to the scheduling calendar.

The cost of the consultation to interpret all 3 labs and provide you with our best recommendations is according to the standard consult rate of $250 for 30 minutes.



Your Personal Immune Assessment is comprised of 3 different lab test:

  • LabCorp blood draw for inflammatory and multi-tier immune markers
  • GI Map kit for microbiomial markers of parasites, dybiotic bacteria, and digestive markers for leaky gut, gut inflammation, and gut immune status
  • Neuro360 kit for Circadian Cortisol rhythm and neurotransmitter status

After submitting all 4 specimens (blood, saliva, urine, and stool), the results of your testing will come directly to Dr Tom.  Please schedule an appointment online for a ‘Personal Immune Assessment Consultation’ or click here to link directly to the scheduling calendar.

The cost of the consultation to interpret all 3 labs and provide you with our best recommendations is according to the standard consult rate of $250 for 30 minutes.

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