Established Patient Schedule Page

Please choose your appropriate appointment type below:



      • For a 60 minute face-to-face or phone consultation/treatment with Dr Tom, click here.

      • For a 45 minute face-to-face or phone consultation/treatment with Dr Tom, click here.


    Interested in any treatments listed below? Please call the Front Desk Staff to schedule at: 831.621.2863

        • For Acupuncture treatment
        • for LDA (Low-Dose Antigen) ImmunoTherapy
        • for Intra-Venous Nutrient, Detox, Immune Support therapies
        • for Intra-Muscular injection therapies
        • for PEMF (Pulsed Magnetic Field Therapy), Lymph Suit, or HOCATT Sauna therapies
        • for Laser therapy
        • for Metabolic Re-booting/GetYourBodyBack Program
        • for NeuroTransmitter Rescue Program
        • for Regenerative treatment of Joint Arthritis

      What should I expect during my appointment with Dr. Tom?

      This is an opportunity for you to catch up Dr Tom on what is changing, what is concerning you, what’s going well and what’s not, and how it is effecting your life. 

      He’ll review where you’ve been, what’s worked and what hasn’t in the past.  He’ll do what’s necessary to identify any dangerous situations, and what immediate actions are required if necessary.  He’ll help you understand what’s going on and how to navigate your way back to a more enlivening and fulfilling life.  

      He’ll discuss your options, any diagnostics needed and how to obtain them in the most affordable and convenient way.  He’ll educate you on your treatment options, both conventional as well as those not considered mainstream but backed by science. He’ll explain the relative benefits versus risks of the various options, as well as his bias and the basis of his predictability of his advice, whether science or personal experience.

      Together, you’ll choose your ‘Next Best Step‘ given your personal needs & resources, and what his Center can offer either locally, at-home, or by his network of allied healthcare providers.

      NOTE: Dr. Tom cannot offer specific medical advice without having examined you.

      Not finding what you need?​

      Sometimes digitals media can OVERWHELM even the best of us!  

      If you are confused, overwhelmed, or just too tired to go forward … here’s an easier way.

      We LOVE easy, we LOVE simple.

      Just plug in your name, email address, phone number, and ‘what’s bothering you’ …. I’ll have my staff get back to you as quickly as possible!